
A DIY Farmhouse Apron

This is a story of a DIY Farmhouse Apron, a trip to the Country Living Fair, and the friendship forged over junkin, music and laughter.

DIY Farmhouse Apron: Creating a farmhouse apron using the new sweet tea fabric line from Thistlewood and Hoffman Fabrics

This is a story of a DIY Farmhouse Apron, but before we begin, let’s travel back in time for a moment. Back to the age of April 2016.

It was the time when the Country Living Fair came to Nashville.

Okay, going back just a few years ago may not be too exciting, but it was an awesome time for me – gifted with a new friendship, some blogging encouragement, and a connection.

Let me tell you the story.

I teamed up with Country Living Magazine and was able to give away tickets to the Country Living Fair that year. One of the perks was that I received 2 tickets for myself. I was over the moon!

DIY Farmhouse Apron: Creating a farmhouse apron using the new sweet tea fabric line from Thistlewood and Hoffman Fabrics

A few months earlier, I had reconnected with a longtime blogging superhero of mine, Cindy from Cottage Instincts. She drove 8 long hours to attend the fair and stay with me. Such a refresher for my soul, it was a weekend of a lifelong friendship forged thru junkin’, music, and laughter.

We were like kids in a candy shop at the Fair.  So much to see and buy, but one thing we were sure not to miss was when blogging Rock Star, KariAnne from Thistlewood Farms spoke about her dreamy Farmhouse in Kentucky. Not only did she inspire us with an incredible presentation, but we had the chance to meet her. She was real, tangible and honest and gave us such encouragement about blogging and I left feeling as if I had attended a conference!

DIY Farmhouse Apron: Creating a farmhouse apron using the new sweet tea fabric line from Thistlewood and Hoffman Fabrics

So let’s fast forward a few months later to an invite on Instagram. KariAnne and Hoffman Fabrics were looking for ambassadors to represent her new Sweet Tea fabric line, launching this month, and I immediately jumped at the chance to work with someone with such integrity.

I was floored when a little email came in from KariAnne letting me know that I was going to be adding a title to my name.

Meet, Jennifer Fancher, Sweet Tea Ambassador.

Y’all should have seen me reading that email. Poor Trent, bless him, left battered and bruised because I was slapping and popping him with excitement as I read. If I would have encapsulated that moment, it would have been nothing but emoticons and exclamation points.

So last week, my first Happy Mail came! It was Christmas in June!

Just look at the packaging.

DIY Farmhouse Apron: Creating a farmhouse apron using the new sweet tea fabric line from Thistlewood and Hoffman Fabrics
DIY Farmhouse Apron: Creating a farmhouse apron using the new sweet tea fabric line from Thistlewood and Hoffman Fabrics


DIY Farmhouse Apron: Creating a farmhouse apron using the new sweet tea fabric line from Thistlewood and Hoffman Fabrics

She filled the box with incredible fabric, as well as sweet little extras that made me smile and made my heart happy!

DIY Farmhouse Apron: Creating a farmhouse apron using the new sweet tea fabric line from Thistlewood and Hoffman Fabrics

Now can I just gush a moment about this fabric?

The colors alone stopped me in my tracks, as blue is my favorite color, but it is a high quality, soft but durable fabric.  At first, I wanted to do something with the samples for my home, but I couldn’t get over the urge to want to swim in it’s beauty. I decided to make something that I could adorn myself with and drown in it’s loveliness.

I also knew I wanted to make something that would fit our Almost Farmhouse, so I decided to try my hand at an apron.

DIY Farmhouse Apron

Now, here’s a huge disclaimer – I am not a seamstress. I might have had a mini breath-into-a-paper-bag moment about cutting the fabric for the first time. I didn’t want to ruin it. It is durable and was able to handle the beating that I gave it with my attempt at sewing.

DIY Farmhouse Apron: Creating a farmhouse apron using the new sweet tea fabric line from Thistlewood and Hoffman Fabrics

I searched Pinterest for DIY Apron ideas, and pieced different ones together to get the look I wanted.

This fabric makes this novice look like a pro!

DIY Farmhouse Apron: Creating a farmhouse apron using the new sweet tea fabric line from Thistlewood and Hoffman Fabrics

Okay, not that I particularly wanted a shot of my bum on my blog, but look at the mitered corners! I love how cute the stripey-bow looks against the flowers. It is a perfect combination of fabrics.

I have to admit, I was a bit sad when the sewing was over. So I channeled my inner Aunt Bea while wearing the apron, and yes, I might have imitated her voice a little. Then inspiration hit!

This set of gorgeous porcelain bowls came to us on our wedding day, just over 20 years ago. We use them everyday.

DIY Farmhouse Apron: Creating a farmhouse apron using the new sweet tea fabric line from Thistlewood and Hoffman Fabrics

I decided to make some vintage inspired bowl covers for them with the leftover fabric. That way, when I need to bring a dish to a party, I arrive in style.

DIY Farmhouse Apron: Creating a farmhouse apron using the new sweet tea fabric line from Thistlewood and Hoffman Fabrics

Squeee!!!! How cute are these with the rick rack?!

DIY Farmhouse Apron: Creating a farmhouse apron using the new sweet tea fabric line from Thistlewood and Hoffman Fabrics

I used the navy rick rack to pop against the white and flowers.

DIY Farmhouse Apron: Creating a farmhouse apron using the new sweet tea fabric line from Thistlewood and Hoffman Fabrics

The white looks so handsome with the stripes.

DIY Farmhouse Apron: Creating a farmhouse apron using the new sweet tea fabric line from Thistlewood and Hoffman Fabrics
DIY Farmhouse Apron: Creating a farmhouse apron using the new sweet tea fabric line from Thistlewood and Hoffman Fabrics

What a fun opportunity and I’m honored to be a part of the Sweet Tea Ambassador Team. I can’t wait to see what comes next month.

Click this link to see what the other Ambassadors create with their Happy Mail and you can click the picture below to find out where to buy the Sweet Tea line in your area.

Embroidered Coffee Cozy - embellishing a pattern print with embroidery is a great idea for a custom gift

Be sure to follow me below so you don’t miss next month’s reveal!

DIY Farmhouse Apron: Creating a farmhouse apron using the new sweet tea fabric line from Thistlewood and Hoffman Fabrics

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  1. Oh man I wish I could sew your apron is adorable and I love those dish covers. I recently had the opportunity to meet KariAnne, she has so a great personality and so much joy for what she does. Her fabric lines really represent a spice for life. I enjoyed this and I'm following. Sharing this post!

    Carole @ Garden Up Green

  2. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Loryl! The covered were especially cute the next morning when I woke up to my husband cooking me breakfast, wearing the apron, and using the bowl cover as a hair net! I wish I would have caught a picture of that! Thanks so much for taking time to comment! It means so much!

  3. Hi Jonannewin! Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment. I am not a seamstress, AT ALL, and didn't want to leave a tutorial for subpar sewing. I just pieced my apron together from different ideas I found on Pinterest. I wish I had the skills to leave a tutorial, but I'm still a novice myself. I hope you're still inspired to make one of your own. If you have any questions on how I made mine, I can do my best to let you know! Thanks again for stopping by!

  4. Congratulations on being an ambassador.
    What a beautiful line of fabrics and such a wonderful person to assist.
    Your apron is precious.
    Thank you for sharing this at Thoughts of Home.
    We are so glad you are here.

  5. Cute, cute, cute!! I love the organic quality for the bowl covers. No plastic. I think we have the same granite in our kitchen!

  6. I can't find the tutorial for the apron!! Is it here and I'm just missing it? Thank you!!

  7. I absolutely adore the bowl covers! Thank you so very much for sharing this wonderful post at Thoughts of Home on Thursday.

  8. Congratulations! I love the apron and those bowl covers are just too cute. Aunt Bea would be very proud of you!

  9. Jen, I love what you did with the fabric!! I'm planning to do an apron too. 🙂

    Happy Thoughts of Home and be sure to join us Monday for the garden party. 🙂