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Controlling Mudroom Clutter

Controlling Mudroom Clutter - We all have those spots in our home - the DROP ZONES. Here's how I'm conquering the clutter that piles up in my Mudroom.

We all have those spots in our home – the DROP ZONES. The places where everyone unloads everything the minute they walk in the door. Ours is the mudroom which is also our laundry room. Here’s how I’m Controlling Mudroom Clutter that piles up in this room by organizing this room into functional zones –instead of the drop zone!


That picture up there makes me want to run and hide!

I wish I could say that this was a rare occasion that my mudroom looks like this, but unfortunately – it’s the norm!

Bookbags, shoes, laundry baskets and hampers …that block the entrance to the bathroom – Hello! And that’s not even starting on the cabinets above the washer and dryer.

I’ve neglected this area took long and it’s time for an overhaul.

Controlling Mudroom Clutter - We all have those spots in our home - the DROP ZONES. Here's how I'm conquering the clutter that piles up in my Mudroom.


This is where it all begins. I’m not the only one creating this clutter and the only way it stops is by having my boys put their things away properly.

  • Bookbags go in their room.
  • Lunchbags are emptied and go in the school lunch zone ready for the next use.
  • Extra pairs of shoes are taken to their closets.
  • Hampers and laundry baskets are returned to their room.

It’s a start with a bit of success! They took everything upstairs for now! Woohoo!!

These homeowners transformed their dated laundry room into a gorgeous, vintage inspired mudroom! I love the drying rack!

Establishing Zones

Let’s get in the zone with zones!

If you read my Kitchen Organization post, then you know how I’ve been able to make my kitchen more functional by assigning work zones. This area shouldn’t be any different! The key to Controlling Mudroom Clutter is to create little homes for everything.

Bench Zone

The mudroom bench should hold only one pair of shoes for each boy. I know if we had a girl – this would be a different issue cuz we girls love our shoes, but luckily my boys have one pair of shoes they wear almost everyday.

In the cooler season, jackets can live on the hooks, but still kept under control.

Storage Zone

These built-in cabinets are such a life saver!

The lower cabinet holds food for the boys school lunches and their lunch boxes. At 10 and 14, they are in charge of making their own lunches. That’s their job – my job is to make sure these areas are stocked.

This also holds our dog treats since this is the Ollie’s Dining Zone.

The shelves above are not only pretty, but functional.

These homeowners transformed their dated laundry room into a gorgeous, vintage inspired mudroom! I love the drying rack!

The fabric boxes hold magazines that I want to reference.

The boys aren’t the only ones who drop everything when they enter the door.  Trent likes to unload his wallet when he gets home. The small wooden bucket is where Trent can place his wallet while also looking pretty!

Laundry and Supply Zone

This is where I need to come clean.

I tried to organize this area when we made over this room, but with things being dropped and left here, I found myself shoving things in the cabinets above my washer and dryer. Especially when you find out you’re about to have last minute company.

Anybody else to that mad dash to hide your junk giving the false impression that you’ve got it all together?

Or is that just me?

Controlling Mudroom Clutter - We all have those spots in our home - the DROP ZONES. Here's how I'm conquering the clutter that piles up in my Mudroom.

I fixed this area with some old storage boxes I wasn’t using. I placed like items into buckets.

Organizing laundry and cleaning items into zones helps in controlling mudroom clutter.

Cleaning supplies live in their cute little caddy. I also have other cleaning supplies under my kitchen sink, so these are my overflow supplies.

Organizing laundry and cleaning items into zones helps in controlling mudroom clutter.

I filled the storage boxes with like items for ease of finding what I need as well as simplicity when new items arrive.

Organizing laundry and cleaning items into zones helps in controlling mudroom clutter.

So much nicer!

Organizing laundry and cleaning items into zones helps in controlling mudroom clutter.

My laundry zone lives over the washing machine, with items I need right in reach.

These homeowners transformed their dated laundry room into a gorgeous, vintage inspired mudroom! I love the drying rack!

We added these shelves to the side of the cabinets when we made over our Laundry Room.

Those cute metal tins hold various supplies, like candles, school supplies, label makers, and even a miscellaneous box for those rarely used items. I think I have an extra beater for my vacuum in there!

These homeowners transformed their dated laundry room into a gorgeous, vintage inspired mudroom! I love the drying rack!

We installed this cute folding table when we made over the Laundry Room as well. Underneath is where I store TP and paper towels, as well as my bucket for mopping.

I hope this helps you as much as tackling this room helped me! I am such a nicer person when my home is organized – that’s for sure!

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Controlling Mudroom Clutter - We all have those spots in our home - the DROP ZONES. Here's how I'm conquering the clutter that piles up in my Mudroom.

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  1. Thanks so much Erlene! I can’t wait to see it – I’m honored to be included in your round up!

  2. I love the idea of assigning work zones and it’s so important to get the entire family on board. Thanks for sharing your mudroom tips on Merry Monday. Pinned and will be including this in a roundup.

  3. We recently re-vamped our mud room too, I love the way your’s is laid out! Thanks for sharing this with us at the Homestead Blog Hop!

  4. I do love an organized home! It’s like pulling out the perfect number of something on the first try – it makes me so happy!

  5. Thanks Theresa! Mine will inevitably go back to the before picture in due time, I’m sure!

  6. Thanks Melissia! I appreciate you taking the time comment! Hopefully this inspired you to put a bit of yourself in your decor – even in the forgotten laundry room! 🙂

  7. Beautiful! I am sure you don’t mind going in that room at all any more. Doesn’t it make you feel great when it is all organized 🙂 Great job and thanks for sharing on To Grandma’s House We Go!

  8. I have a laundry room like your mud room size,but not as pretty. Every time I clean it, it somehow gets trashed lol. Definitely need to work on that space. I have a teen her drop zone is our dining space. I get her to lug her stuff to her room tho. Thanks for sharing this at the Inspiration Spotlight party. Pinned & sharing

  9. I desperately need to both clean my laundry room, and decorate it a bit! I love your little decor touches. Unfortunately I don’t love the paint color but I don’ t think I can get things together to repaint yet 🙂

  10. Argh – the shoes! And my boys have unusually large feet, so it’s like tripping over skis! LOL

  11. I’m pack rattish in a few areas myself, and that’s one thing I’m trying to work on this year! Thanks for commenting!

  12. Thank you Donna! We made over that mudroom a while ago and it’s still one of my favorite DIYs!

  13. Thank you so much for having the same struggle as me! I know that sounds weird, but what a relief knowing that I’m not the only one tripping over shoes! Thank you for pinning this post – that means so much!

  14. Such a beautiful transformation and I agree that it is a struggle to keep clutter under control. We have a HUGE closet by our garage door and my kids (and husband!) insist on keeping their shoes and coats OUTSIDE the door on the floor. I honestly think I’m going to take down the rod and install a million hooks inside for them to hang coats on. Hopefully that will help and be less hassle than using an actual hanger. Pinned.

  15. I love the look of your mud room. My side entrance leads to the kitchen so my small kitchen table and one countertop seems to get the most clutter. Drives me crazy. Thanks for sharing some great tips.

  16. I think we have drop zones all over our house, but the worst is the shoes rack by the front door and maybe our home office too. I so need to get those under control. Thank you for sharing the inspiration at The Really Crafty Link Party this week. Pinned.

  17. I love how tidy and organized this space is now! Giving me some major inspo!

  18. Hi Jenny! Thanks for hosting your linky – I always enjoy sharing and finding inspiration!

  19. Katie – you are so kind and I’m glad this post was encouraging for you! And I have the same chair that is a drop zone in my bedroom! Once I solve that dilemma – I’ll share how I tackled it! LOL

  20. This is super encouraging! Little disappointed that the peanut butter had to disappear. Now how you do organize a drop zone that is a recliner…and then a corner on the floor in the bedroom. For some reason, my husband has claimed those as to where to put his clothes that aren’t “dirty” but he’s done wearing them. Oh…men

  21. Great tips & ideas for staying organized. I also gave my husband a decorative box to put his stuff in. Thanks for sharing at Merry Monday. Hope to see you next week.

  22. Thanks Victoria – that cubby system sounds like a perfect solution! I may have to try that! And, of course, being in a house of boys – potty humor is nonstop – glad you liked my toilet sign!

  23. Great tips and ideas! We have a similar looking mudroom with the laundry and powder room all in one small space! We have a cubby system for every member of the house and it’s a life saver! Love the “toilet” sign, LOL.

  24. All the time, right? And just when you think you have it licked – then another mess shows up!

  25. Aw…. I know that time is coming soon (my boys are 11 and 14). I will take a few moments to cherish the mess before making them clean it up! 😉

  26. The struggle is real with this one! Same at our house! I work on it daily to keep the clutter down.

  27. You’ve inspired me to clean the laundry room! Enjoy your “clutter” (kids!)…..it used to drive me nuts too, but now I wish I had a little “clutter”!!