Rejuvenate Wood Floor Restorer Review
Our floors were dull and dingy, and we couldn’t afford to refinish them. But we found the next best thing! Here’s our honest Rejuvenate Wood Floor Restorer Review. Thanks to Rejuvenate for allowing us to test your products!

Do you ever look at those ladies from the 50s and think about how hard they had to work to keep their homes impeccable?
Coiffed hair, perfect makeup, dinner is ready and the house is sparkling.
It makes me so thankful for today’s modern conveniences.
I keep a nice looking house, but I will be honest – I have a habit of neglecting my floors.
So when we moved into this former rental, the floors were worse than I could handle.
You could tell that they hadn’t been cared for at all for at least a decade.
They lacked any luster that typical hardwoods have with no shine at all!
Especially in our kitchen.
These sad floors have seen better days!
Water stains and deep scratches are hard to miss.
So I needed a quick and easy solution to fix these issues while also restoring the shine to the floor.
But without sanding and refinishing the floor.
Meet Rejuvenate!
These little products have changed my life.
Mind blown!
It took just one day and my floors were revived!
Not perfect, mind you, but a HUGE improvement from before.
Here’s how we did it!
Rejuvenate Wood Floor Restorer Review
I started by removing all the furniture and rug from the room.
Next, I gave it a through vacuum to get rid of any dirt and debris.
Then I used the Click and Clean Spray Mop System with their all floors cleaner.
T kit includes spray mop, microfiber cleaning pad, microfiber dusting pad, 32oz No Bucket Floor Cleaner, soft scrub pad & three bottle adapters.
It works with any of their long neck bottle floor cleaners so swapping cleaners is super easy!
Just look at the dirty pad from the first pass through the kitchen!
Since I was planning on using the Wood Floor Restorer, I did a second pass through the kitchen using Rejuvenate’s Natural Wood Floor Cleaner.
The formulatation attacks stubborn dirt and grime, so I used this to make sure all the dirt was removed.
So you just spray and mop. The white pad is for dusting, the blue pad is for cleaning, the gray pad is for restoring.
I used the gray pad with the cleaner and waited until it fully dried.
Look at the difference between the used and unused pad!
Glad I made that second pass.
Now it was time to restore!
Using an old mop, I attached the microfiber bonnet to the mop head.
Working in a 5 foot area, start by applying the Wood Floor Restorer in an S-shape pattern to the floor.
Then, working with the grain, run the mop head over the floor.
It took me just 45 mins to mop the floor twice and then apply Rejuvenate Wood Floor Restorer – including drying time between mopping.
Here’s what it looks like when it’s wet with another 45 mins to wait.
You can already see an improvement.
I chose a Satin finish, so it won’t be this shiny once it fully dries.
Here’s a before cleaning and then after 45 minutes of dry time.
I can’t even, y’all!
So, the bottle says light foot traffic is okay, but we made sure the floors were tacky to the touch before we walked on them.
But we did wait the recommended 24 hours before bringing the table back in.
I love them so much – I may not even bring the rug back in!
Now I mentioned this would be an honest review, so here’s the nitty gritty.
I knew that this wasn’t going to fix everything, like deep scratches, but it did improve them.
You can see that they are still there, but it isn’t as noticeable as before.
And then we had that water spot.
Again, while it didn’t take it away, it did disguise it more.
But with issues like these, you can really only remedy them by sanding the floors down.
However, this little band-aid makes this momma happy!
I’ve lived with hardwood floor dust before, and it’s not a pretty sight!
So if you have been curious about these products, then I hope this Rejuvenate wood Floor Restorer review helps you out!
My boys love it and said that we need to do this to the rest of our house!
And Trent thinks it looks like a fresh gymnasium floor.
And this momma? I’m more than pleased with the results!
One more before and after and you can tell me if you see the difference!

Let me know your thoughts by leaving me a comment below, and don’t hesitate to ask any questions I may have missed here.
You can find the Rejuvenate products at Home Depot or Lowes.
I’m always happy to help!
And one more thing!
Head over to my instagram page. I’m teaming up with Rejuvenate to give away $100 worth of products to 2 lucky winners! The giveaway only lasts through the weekend, so hurry and don’t miss out!
Hi Jenny – these are great questions. I only applied 2 thin coats, so I wonder if it is too thick. I would head over to Rejuvenate’s website. They have a great Q&A section that helped me before I applied. Maybe they will have a suggestion to trouble shoot the issues. BTW – I miss those run and slide days of my boys! Enjoy them!