Prepping Your Yard for Winter
Pruning your trees is an often overlooked job. Don’t miss this important step when prepping your yard for winter. Thanks to Ryobi for partnering with us to get our home ready for the season!
It’s that time of year.
The air is turning crisp and cooler. The leaves are falling and beckoning us to rake them into piles for the kids to jump into.
One thing we loved about our home when we moved here were the tall, mature trees. We moved in the Fall of last year, when most of the leaves were starting to change.
Raking leaves, fertilizing and cutting the lawn one last time are the typical chores we tackle, but there’s one important task that often gets overlooked.
In fact, we overlooked it for many years until now.
Then this past Spring, we almost suffered some car damage when a branch fell and nearly missed our vehicle.
As summer came, we watched this tree and noticed that most of the low hanging branches were dead which is what caused the branch to fall.
We knew this is something we needed to address right away, before winter came.
Here’s how prepping your yard for winter can help you this season.
Prepping Your Yard for Winter
When Ryobi reached out to try one of their tools for fall yard clean up, I immediate knew which one we needed.
Their 10 foot pole saw was the perfect fit. It was super simple to assemble and comes battery operated! That’s a plus – especially if you’ve ever been tangled in an extension cord, like me!
What I love about their Expand-It Product line is that you are buying only the tools you need. There are sweepers, hedge trimmers, snow throwers, and more – all that attach to the one battery operated base.
After we read the how-to manual to ensure we were operating the Expand-It yard tool properly, Trent started tackling those dead branches.
It’s important to prune once we started noticing the leaves changing. If we waited too late, we wouldn’t know which branches to trim!
He was able to reach really high with the pole saw. It has a 12 foot reach, which made trimming safe since you are a good distance away from falling branches.
TIP: Always wear safety googles, long pants, closed shoes and ear plugs.
It took us just one morning to make sure our tree wouldn’t cause any more damage.
We hauled off about 3 piles of dead branches and love how much cleaner the yard looks.
It went from this:
To this:
By trimming away the dead branches, it opened up the space, making the yard much brighter.
Also, by trimming the tree away from our roof line, it will prevent critters from getting access to our attic from nearby branches.
So why is pruning so important?
First off – think about safety, like we did. Cut back overgrown branches, for example, over walkways and driveways.
Removing dead or dying branches now is better than a storm breaking them and causing damage to other plants, property or yourself.
Pruning in winter also promotes faster regrowth in Spring. Plus, since trees are dormant in winter, it helps prevent insects or diseases attacking or wounding the tree.
What are the Benefits of Pruning?
Pruning promotes heathy growth, allowing sunlight and air to reach the center of the tree.
Plus, next Spring, your tree will be beautiful as it gives out its new growth.
We still have our big, beautiful trees that we fell in love with, and hope that this will continue to keep them healthy for many years to come.
For more inspiration, be sure to visit Ryobi Landscapes websites. There’s lots of tips, instruction and inspiration to give your yard a refreshing new look.