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Written On Stone – How to Create Hand Lettered Rocks

Hand lettered rocks that are easy to make with a sharpie. What a special ways to celebrate memorable moments.

Written on Stone: Craft rocks that are easy to make and special ways to celebrate memorable moments.

Do y’all collect stuff? People collect a whole lot of things from teacups to tchotchkes, seashells to spoons.

I collect rocks.

Is that weird?

I love how nature grounds me. It reminds me of who I am, where I came from. In fact, my favorite song talks about a tumbling rough rock becoming smooth through the torrents of life’s challenges.

Without a doubt, I have been that rock in much need of refining.

Written on Stone: Hand Lettered rocks that are easy to make and special ways to celebrate memorable moments.

Every so often, we love to go hiking as a family and I always keep a rock or two from our treks.

A few years ago, when it was a particularly tumultuous time, I truly felt like I was one of those rocks being ground down in the rolling river.

Since we had an amazing day that lifted my spirits, it helped me to turn the corner on some things I had been working through.

As a matter of fact, it was that same day that I happened to find this sweet heart shaped rock.

Written on Stone: Hand Lettered rocks that are easy to make and special ways to celebrate memorable moments.

I didn’t want to forget how beautiful that day was and I wanted to capture that memory to call upon when I needed it.

Then, I remembered a craft I saw on Pinterest where someone made hand lettered names on rocks and used them as place cards for a wedding. Super adorable!

Written on Stone: Craft rocks that are easy to make and special ways to celebrate memorable moments.
source: Simplifying Fabulous

I thought it was such an excellent idea, so why not take that idea and create something that would be meaningful to me.

Like a touchstone for that moment. (see what I did there?)

Written on Stone: Hand Lettered rocks that are easy to make and special ways to celebrate memorable moments.

I love the idea of writing promises on those rocks I collect to remind me of where I was spiritually during that time of my life. It’s a sweet reminder of redemption in dark times as well as the blessings in those good times.

It’s such a surprisingly easy and fun project. Pour yourself a cup of coffee, sit with the kids and spend the afternoon hand lettering rocks.

How to Make Hand Lettered Rocks

To begin with, you should gather your supplies: permanent markers and rocks.

Written on Stone: Hand Lettered rocks that are easy to make and special ways to celebrate memorable moments.

I do recommend that you use a fresh marker and it’s easiest if the rocks are somewhat smooth.

Written on Stone: Hand Lettered rocks that are easy to make and special ways to celebrate memorable moments.

Also, a clean tip helps if you plan to use calligraphy, or make artistic embellishments. Be prepared for the marker to wear out so you may want to have a few on hand.

Written on Stone: Hand Lettered rocks that are easy to make and special ways to celebrate memorable moments.

You can find some incredible fonts online for inspiration for your hand lettered rocks. Begin with a simple outline, and you can go back over to create a more chalkboard-ish type of print.

Written on Stone: Hand Lettered rocks that are easy to make and special ways to celebrate memorable moments.

You can display your Hand Lettered Rocks in your garden, or together with your houseplants.

Written on Stone: Hand Lettered rocks that are easy to make and special ways to celebrate memorable moments.

I paired my rocks with an adorable framed printable I made, as shown above. I printed “Abide in Him” on an old dictionary page in a typewriter font I found online.

Written on Stone: Hand Lettered rocks that are easy to make and special ways to celebrate memorable moments.

Has this inspired you to create your own Hand Lettered rocks? If you do make some, send me a pic. I’d love to see them!

Written on Stone: Hand Lettered rocks that are easy to make and special ways to celebrate memorable moments.

Pin this for later!

Written on Stone: Hand Lettered rocks that are easy to make and special ways to celebrate memorable moments.

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  1. This is so wonderful! I collected rocks for years. (Wish I still had them!) I painted rocks as a child. My mom used to collect rocks from her trips and would write the date and location on them. I love to hand letter things, so this idea is perfect for me. Thanks for sharing.

  2. How neat that the heart shaped rock was put in your path! Thanks for sharing your links at Celebrate Your Story. Have a fun weekend and we hope you join us again!

  3. Thanks for the invite! Sorry I was late to the party, but I linked up to this weeks. I'd love to see your jar is you create these. Be sure to tag me back!